# 小蜜蜂前端周刊第三十三期

# 新鲜事

# Fuchisa.dev (opens new window)

  • 推荐理由: Documentation for developing for the open source operating system.

# GeckoView in 2019 (opens new window)

  • 推荐理由: Last September we wrote about using GeckoView to bring Firefox’s rendering engine to Android as a reusable library. By decoupling the Gecko engine from the Firefox application, we’ve created a newer, faster, and more maintainable way to create Android applications. This approach leverages Gecko’s excellent performance, privacy, and support for cutting-edge web standards. With today’s release of our GeckoView-powered Firefox Preview, we’d like to share an update on what we’ve accomplished and where GeckoView is going in 2019.

# React

# React Fiber Deep Dive with Dan Abramov (opens new window)

  • 推荐理由: Jani and Phil got a problem. There are too many damn divs! With the help of Jenn Creighton and special guest Dan Abramov, we learn how to hack React Fiber reconciler internals to make the world a less div-ided place. In this deep dive you’ll learn how to contribute to React Fiber, and implement a new rendering mode for React.

# The rise of the NRG stack: Node.js, React and GraphQL (opens new window)

  • 推荐理由: With GraphQL gaining the popularity, React becoming the front-end go-to framework, and after 10 years Node.js is proving it’s here to stay, it appears the NRG stack is becoming a standard for today’s web apps.

# JS

# Why ['1', '7', '11'].map(parseInt) returns [1, NaN, 3] in Javascript (opens new window)

  • 推荐理由: JavaScript 非常怪异,这篇文章会带你领略到怪异之处。

# GMTC 2019 - 蚂蚁金服的前端框架和工程化实践 (opens new window)

  • 推荐理由: 在 Umi 和 Bigfish 时代,我们从刀耕火种的时代跨入了工业化时代。因为在此之前,用户需要接触很多技术栈和细节,在 Umi 和 Bigfish 中,用户只要知道一个框架,剩下的全部不用了解。框架像一个魔法球,把各种技术栈吸到一起,加工后吐给用户,以此来支撑业务。
最后更新: 2019/8/7 上午10:20:26